In today’s world it is possible to connect instantly with people all over the globe. Many of the people doing web design and copy-writing services come from faraway places with no idea of where Georgia is on the map.
This can create problems when businesses choose to outsource work rather than using local web design companies.
It’s tempting to cut costs by outsourcing your work to providers advertising through the internet, but there are several reasons why you’ll be happier with the final results when you use a local provider.
As small businesses add websites and internet services to their menu of business services it can be easy to lose sight of local customers who want to ‘see’ the face of who they’re doing business with.
Your website should be able to reflect an understanding of the local culture and the local business climate. And, that’s not going to happen if your web designer is in Alaska or in the Far East somewhere. It’s as if you’re speaking two different languages.
A local web design company has roots in your community, shops in the same kinds of stores and understands the commerce and people in your state.
The cultural feel of a particular state is unique; your business caters to that special characteristic and your website should reflect that same feeling.
Good Business Practices- Hiring Local
Your clientele is composed of local people who frequent your business and support their local community. It makes sense that you would do the same for your business needs.
It is easier to work with someone in your own state from a logistical point of view. And, if content or design need to be modified or updated you can easily contact the web designer and work to make the necessary changes.
Often, a remote contractor will simply disappear after the original contract has been met (or not) and the business owner is left without a way to address issues.
That won’t happen when you’re working with local providers. Their reputation is based on references and the good old fashioned word of mouth referral as well as their expertise.
At, we work with clients looking for website design in West Metro Atlanta – West Georgia area, and occasionally, across the State of Georgia.
Website design is our business; we’re available when you need us.
When you come to us for a website design, revamping of content, for search engine optimization or other services, we will show you a portfolio of work performed for other Georgia-based businesses.
Our commitment is to work with the local and state communities to enhance their business services.
So, to recap why your business would profit from working with a local provider:
The local web design company knows the community and your needs.
Cultural and language barriers are less likely to be present. Local providers speak the same language and work in the same time zone.
Local providers are available for ongoing work and consultation.
When outsourcing you can’t really be sure who is handling your work and how committed they will be to your outcome - the best web design for your business needs.
Yes, we might be more expensive than outsourcing work to remote providers or contractors, but we believe that our full array of services and support will enhance your business.
An optimized website leads to greater visibility for clients and that leads to better product sales.
Can you really afford to not to use a local web design company?